Dudamel deslumbra en el concierto de Año Nuevo en Viena

Dudamel deslumbra en el concierto de Año Nuevo en Viena

Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel conducts the traditional New Year's Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT
Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel conducts the traditional New Year’s Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT


La Filarmónica de Viena abrió este domingo su temporada 2017 con su tradicional Concierto de Año Nuevo, en la ocasión bajo la batuta del más joven maestro en dirigir esta orquesta, el carismático venezolano Gustavo Dudamel.

El director, de 35 años de edad, que en la actualidad dirige a la Filarmónica de Los Ángeles, sigue tras los pasos de otros grandes maestros como Herbert von Karajan, Claudio Abbado y Zubin Mehta.

“Un verdadero honor dirigir los Conciertos de Año Nuevo”, tuiteó Dudamel hora antes del gran evento, transmitido en directo en más de 90 países donde lo vieron millones de personas.

El “Neujahrskonzert”, ejecutado en el Gran Hall del célebre Musikverein de Viena, estuvo dedicado a la familia de compositores del siglo XIX Strauss.

El programa para este 2017 estuvo integrado por valses, polcas y marchas, para finalizar precisamente con la legendaria “Marcha Radetzky”, del primer Johann Strauss.

Sobre el final también se pudo escuchar el tradicional vals Danubio Azul, de su hijo y tocayo Johann Strauss, que celebrará su 150º aniversario el mes próximo.

Pero cada edición de este concierto conoce variantes, y además de los Strauss, este año fueron incluidas piezas de otros grandes autores, como “Las alegres comadres de Windsor”, musicalizada por Otto Nicolai.

En determinado momento, el toque alegre lo dio un grupo de jóvenes bailarines de ballet, que transitaron por el dorado pasillo y evolucionaron en medio del público.

El vestuario de la orquesta fue diseñado por la superestrella de la moda Vivian Westwood y su marido austriaco, Andreas Kronthaler.

Al final del espectáculo, que duró dos horas y media, un Dudamel visiblemente conmovido recibió una ovación del público de pie, incluido el ministro de Relaciones Exteriores austriaco, Sebastian Kurz, quien se encontraba entre las numerosas personalidades presentes.

“Dirigir el Danubio Azul significa que ahora puedo morir en paz”, había dicho el joven maestro el jueves en una rueda de prensa en Viena.

Poco después del concierto dominical, la Filarmónica de Viena anunció que un rostro familiar regresará al escenario para dirigir la próxima edición. Se trata del italiano Riccardo Muti, quien dirigirá este concierto el 1 de enero de 2018 por quinta vez en su carrera.

Este acontecimiento comenzó su andadura el 31 de diciembre de 1939, bajo el nazismo, pero en los años siguientes estos orígenes oscuros se fueron olvidando y gradualmente llegó a convertirse en punto culminante del calendario de la música clásica internacional.

En los años 1980, tras un reinado durante 25 años del austriaco Willi Boskovsky y de 6 temporadas de su sucesor, el estadounidense Lorin Maazel, quien falleció este año, se decidió contar con un director distinto en cada año.

Debido a la enorme demanda, las entradas para cada edición del concierto son sorteadas en una lotería a principios de año. AFP

Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel (L) conducts the traditional New Year's Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / Dieter Nagl
Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel (L) conducts the traditional New Year’s Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / Dieter Nagl


Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel conducts the traditional New Year's Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / Dieter Nagl
Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel conducts the traditional New Year’s Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / Dieter Nagl


Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel conducts the traditional New Year's Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / Dieter Nagl
Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel conducts the traditional New Year’s Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / Dieter Nagl


Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel conducts the traditional New Year's Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT
Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel conducts the traditional New Year’s Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT


Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel conducts the traditional New Year's Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / Dieter Nagl / Austria OUT
Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel conducts the traditional New Year’s Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / Dieter Nagl / Austria OUT


Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel conducts the traditional New Year's Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT
Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel conducts the traditional New Year’s Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT


Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel conducts the traditional New Year's Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT
Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel conducts the traditional New Year’s Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT


Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel receives a bouquet of flowers after the traditional New Year's Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT
Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel receives a bouquet of flowers after the traditional New Year’s Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT


Dancers of the Wiener Staatsballett perform during the traditional New Year's Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT
Dancers of the Wiener Staatsballett perform during the traditional New Year’s Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT


Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel (C) conducts the traditional New Year's Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT
Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel (C) conducts the traditional New Year’s Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT


Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel (C) conducts the traditional New Year's Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT
Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel (C) conducts the traditional New Year’s Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT


Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel (C) conducts the traditional New Year's Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT
Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel (C) conducts the traditional New Year’s Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT


Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel (C) conducts the traditional New Year's Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT
Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel (C) conducts the traditional New Year’s Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT


Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel conducts the traditional New Year's Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT
Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel conducts the traditional New Year’s Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT


Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel (C) conducts the traditional New Year's Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT
Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel (C) conducts the traditional New Year’s Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT


Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel conducts the traditional New Year's Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT
Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel conducts the traditional New Year’s Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT


Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel conducts the traditional New Year's Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT
Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel conducts the traditional New Year’s Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT


Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel (C) conducts the traditional New Year's Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT
Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel (C) conducts the traditional New Year’s Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT


Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel conducts the preview of the traditional New Year's Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on December 30, 2016. The traditional New Year's Concert 2017 will take place on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT

The traditional New Year’s Concert 2017 will take place on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT


Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel conducts the preview of the traditional New Year's Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on December 30, 2016. The traditional New Year's Concert 2017 will take place on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT

The traditional New Year’s Concert 2017 will take place on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT


Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel conducts the preview of the traditional New Year's Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on December 30, 2016. The traditional New Year's Concert 2017 will take place on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT
Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel conducts the preview of the traditional New Year’s Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria


Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel conducts the preview of the traditional New Year's Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on December 30, 2016. The traditional New Year's Concert 2017 will take place on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT

The traditional New Year’s Concert 2017 will take place on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT


Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel conducts the preview of the traditional New Year's Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on December 30, 2016. The traditional New Year's Concert 2017 will take place on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT

The traditional New Year’s Concert 2017 will take place on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT


Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel (C) conducts the preview of the traditional New Year's Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on December 30, 2016. The traditional New Year's Concert 2017 will take place on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT

The traditional New Year’s Concert 2017 will take place on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT


Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel (L) conducts the preview of the traditional New Year's Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on December 30, 2016. The traditional New Year's Concert 2017 will take place on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT

The traditional New Year’s Concert 2017 will take place on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT


Venezulean conductor Gustavo Dudamel conducts the preview of the traditional New Year's Concert 2017 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Vienna Musikverein in Vienna, Austria, on December 30, 2016. The traditional New Year's Concert 2017 will take place on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT

The traditional New Year’s Concert 2017 will take place on January 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER / Austria OUT