Braving death in Gulf to escape Venezuelan hell

Braving death in Gulf to escape Venezuelan hell

AWAITING WORD: Venezuelan national Felix Marcano, husband of Nelisbeth Contreras and father of two children—ages five and nine—who are seeking to join him and stay in T&T but were deported and came back, stands with fellow nationals outside the Erin Police Station yesterday.


Why would anybody place their children on a shing vessel to risk a treacherous journey through the Gulf of Paria from Venezuela to Trinidad?

By Anna Ramdass/ Daily Express

Venezuelan migrant Felix Marcano put this question to the Express yesterday, saying if his two children, ages ve and nine, did not escape Venezuela they would have died from hunger or sickness.

Last night he stood outside the oces of attorney Gerald Ramdeen weeping after learning his two children were taken to hospital. One of them has a heart condition.

The State has complied with a Wednesday late night court order to remove his wife and two children from the Erin Police Station to a quarantine facility at the heliport in Chaguaramas.

They had initially illegally entered this country on November 17, spent ve nights at the Erin Police Station and then were deported on November 22.

The group, including 16 children, returned to Trinidad on board a shing vessel on November 24 and have been detained at the Erin Police Station.

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