President Guaidó: Freddy Superlano defeated the Chávez in Barinas and the dictatorship too

President Guaidó: Freddy Superlano defeated the Chávez in Barinas and the dictatorship too

Photo: Centro de Comunicación Nacional


“Freddy Superlano defeated the Chávez (dynasty) in Barinas and the dictatorship too”, this was the message that without hesitation and without a doubt sent the President in Charge of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, gave the Venezuelans and the international community about the events that occurred in the bastion state of the regime where they ordered a repeat of the elections and disqualified Freddy Superlano who, according to the minutes in his possession, is the virtual Governor of the state.

By Centro de Comunicación Nacional

Nov 30, 2021

This statement was made by the head of the Government in charge this Tuesday, November 30th, during a declaration in support of Superlano that he personally gave at a press conference with national and international media held in the Plaza Bolívar in the Chacao municipality.

He also mentioned that this situation shows once again the systematic violation of human rights in the country and the internal struggle within the Psuv that, according to Guaidó, has frozen the process that was taking place in Mexico and that has as its central objective the solution to the crisis through a comprehensive agreement that allows free and fair elections under international observation.

“To those who support the dictatorship and the National Armed Forces the question is: Who sinks more with this decision of Maduro’s Supreme Court? you (Gen) Padrino when today they have clearly exposed before the International Criminal Court and the world that there is no separation of powers Who controls Maduro’s Supreme Court?

He also reiterated that what Venezuelans want is to elect a new President of the republic, but in a process with real electoral conditions.

With expiration date

In President Guaidó’s brief intervention before the national and international media, he asked Venezuelans “not to fall into the dilemma of: recall referendum or presidential elections” next year.

“Our fight is and must continue to be for electoral conditions. The call for the democratic alternative is to reunify and respect Venezuelans. I tell the international community that the one who has an expiration date is the cod that is in Miraflores (in reference to Maduro). Gentlemen of the Psuv, gentlemen of the FAN, this has an expiration date.”

To conclude, Mr. Guaidó sent a message to Venezuelans to remain in resistance, to reject the regime’s stupidities, and to reunite around the struggle to achieve a comprehensive agreement that approaches a real solution to the conflict.

“We are going to fight to get out of this Venezuelan tragedy. The next election in the country must be to get rid of Maduro.”

Read More: Centro de Comunicación Nacional – President Guaidó: Freddy Superlano defeated the Chávez in Barinas and the dictatorship too

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