Guaidó: “The authoritarian threat ceased to be an illusion a long time ago and became a reality that claims lives per minute”

Guaidó: “The authoritarian threat ceased to be an illusion a long time ago and became a reality that claims lives per minute”

Photo: Centro de Comunicación Nacional


A call for reflection to asses what is happening in Ukraine, and the role that Maduro’s regime plays in it, was made this Thursday by the President of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, through a message broadcast on his social network accounts and in the official channels of the Government in charge.

By Centro de Comunicación Nacional

Mar 3, 2022

“More than a political message, this message is intended to be a call to reflection to gauge what is happening and explain how Maduro’s dictatorship plays a key and dangerous role in the midst of this conflict that Maduro supports. He is an accomplice and employee of those who have dared to attack a sovereign country, to murder innocents without any scruple, and even to threaten humanity with nuclear weapons.

He also said that today “Ukraine is a battlefield in the great struggle between autocracy and democracy and, unfortunately, Venezuela is too.”

He reiterated his admiration and appreciation for the resistance of the Ukrainians and President Zelensky: “who have taught the whole world a lesson.” He likewise expressed solidarity on behalf of Venezuelans who are not indifferent to this conflict.

Is a reality

President Guaidó said that the authoritarian threat is a reality and the consequences of it are the death of innocents.

“The authoritarian threat ceased to be an illusion a long time ago and became a reality that claims lives per minute in its ambition to expand. In Venezuela we are also under siege, and it is not a metaphor, it is the harsh reality. The war waged by the autocracy has many faces.”

He insisted that “Maduro is a danger, not only for Venezuelans, but for the continent, as well as Cuba and Nicaragua”.

He said that it is necessary to rethink the mechanisms that the free world has to avoid these tragedies and hold those who commit them accountable. Today this is vital.

“Those who threaten the existence of nations cannot be tolerated. Sooner or later we pay the cost as humanity, there is no economic stability that prevails over the real threat to life. Today democracy and its Ukrainian front are paying these tragic consequences, the price of having relativized for years, but we hope that lessons learned from this crisis will be learned quickly and actions will be taken forcefully.”

He denounced that: “Putin’s tutelage of Maduro, who no longer cares about hiding this, declared war on Venezuelans years ago” and the sample is the six million or more of displaced people, millions in poverty, hundreds of political prisoners, tortured, murdered.

“It is not in vain that today Maduro is being investigated for crimes against humanity in the International Criminal Court and more recently its opening of an investigation on Putin. Today thousands of Ukrainians are painfully facing tanks, just as our young people faced the weapons of Maduro’s repressive organs in the streets with nothing more than a cardboard shield and ideas.”

To end his message, the President in Charge said that Venezuelans will continue fighting for democracy as they have done for years, because “only in democracy are there guarantees for life.”

Read More: Centro de Comunicación Nacional – Guaidó: “The authoritarian threat ceased to be an illusion a long time ago and became a reality that claims lives per minute

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