Teachers in Guárico join efforts to recover democracy in Venezuela

Teachers in Guárico join efforts to recover democracy in Venezuela


Representatives of the teachers’ union in the Guárico State join forces to bring about political change in Venezuela, which is focused on improving the working and social conditions of all employees which will only be possible in national union and with the deployment of democratic forces throughout the country .

By Correspondent La Patilla

Furthermore, the education professionals held a meeting to discuss the actions to follow during the coming months to finalize the dismissal of Nicolás Maduro’s regime through free and fair elections with the presence of international observers.

“We teachers need a change, because we need to be vindicated and unfortunately with the management we have now, we will not achieve it. We must continue joining forces to generate that necessary political change,” said José Loreto, Secretary of Education for Acción Democrática (AD) in the entity.

Iraida Fuentes, President of the Venezuelan Union of Teachers in Guárico, communicated that unity must prevail in the coming months. This will be decisive in achieving the return of democracy and the development of Venezuela.

“It seems to me a clearly democratic activity and I also believe that this is the moment to be all united, all educators must forward this message. We are the ones in charge of rebuilding our country and having a truly independent and free nation,” she stressed.

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