TransMaracay, done and undone in “revolution”

TransMaracay, done and undone in “revolution”

TransMaracay, done and undone in “revolution”


“Maracayeros” denounced the suspension of the TransMaracay public transport service, which is dependent on the Chavista government of Aragua State.


The main route transported passengers ran along the entire Av. Constitución de Maracay, stopped working under the administration of the institution’s president, Ángel Gutiérrez, and the unconcerned oversight of Governor Karina Carpio.

María Garrido also mentioned that it is a “pity” the loss of this service that benefited so many users due to the low cost of the ticket compared to the regular transport rate.

She explained that for a week she has gotten “tired” of waiting at the bus stop and no bus runs the route, not even one bus. She points out that: “it is shameful that the State’s investment is wasted.”

For his part, Argenis López stressed that there are currently more cyclists traveling through the TransMaracay dedicated lane than the number of units that for weeks had been providing a “precarious” service until they reached the point of disappearing.

It is important to note that last April, 8 years after the inauguration of this transportation system, the workers of this state-owned company asked the regional president for the dismissal of Gutiérrez in response to the appalling conditions that the workers suffer and the maintenance of the units.

On that occasion the workers declared that they previously offered a service with 28 routes, none of which are operational. In addition, of the 72 units that came to serve the Aragua people, currently only 7 are solely used to transport personnel dependent on the government.

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