Proposed the creation of the Mérida Mental Health Institute to stop suicide cases

Proposed the creation of the Mérida Mental Health Institute to stop suicide cases


With the purpose of curbing the cases of suicide in Mérida, a technical table was held between the Legislative Council and the State Government to articulate efforts in terms of prevention.

By Jesús Quintero // Correspondent

Legislator Fabiana Santamaría said that they continue to insist on the need to create the Mérida’s Mental Health Institute and an observatory dedicated to investigating and collecting statistics on this type of ailments.

It is worth remembering that Mérida is the state where the highest number of deaths by suicide are reported nationwide.

“We also agree on the importance of continuing the training activity that we have undertaken within the institutions and with front-line officials,” added Santamaría.

Suicide is a public health problem that must be addressed through prevention, care and research.

“We celebrate the intention of adding initiatives and from the Alliance for Life and the campaign #ViveAquíEstamos in conjunction with the University of Los Andes and the union of psychologists, psychiatrists and criminologists, we will contribute based on the application of public policies on mental healthcare,” stressed the deputy.

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